The Sovereign School is a co-educational Senior Secondary School, that combines the very best in educational practices, powered and propelled by a philosophy of education that is eclectic and yet truly modern. It is recognized by the Directorate of Education affiliated to CBSE in Commerce, Science & Humanities thereby carving complete & booming beings in an affable atmosphere for holistic development. Marching ahead on the road to success, powered by a truly modern philosophy of education, The Sovereign School positively holds a mirror to a bright and resplendent future.
Established under the aegis of Rohini Educational Society as an endeavor to create a safe, nurturing environment where children thrive & grow, The Sovereign School strives to impart distinctive educational upbringing that enables young minds to grow not only in intellectual capacities but to bloom in other dimensions too. We strive to inculcate a passion for developing self-expression, innovation, initiative, and experience blended with an understanding of traditional values, to recognize and to encourage talent of all kinds and of all degrees, and to endeavor to stretch the intellectual and creative capacity of individuals and to offer a progressive learning environment which fosters excellence and original thinking.
The school campus is an architectural marvel in itself. Situated in Sector-24, Rohini the institution is a place of reckoning. The ambiance of the school premises nurtures each child’s aesthetic and creative horizons.
The school is stretched over 16,000 square meters and of land and bordered by 20mts wide roads by two sides and lush greenery by other two sides, the building features an array of red-colored terracotta finish thereby giving it a distinctive yet modern looking facade. It is a three-storeyed building as impressive as the academic credentials. The striking edifice hosts spacious classrooms, an executive conference hall, a splendid and stunning auditorium. The building is equipped with modern lab facilities such as Computer, Mathematics, and Science labs, Music and Dance rooms, a light-filled elliptical atrium clad in a glass façade, and a catalyst of learning – The library.
The edifice is situated in a lap of nature and is hemmed in by lush green plants providing an abode to hundreds of birds thereby rousing aesthetic sensibilities. Hundreds of sparrows and pigeons find the thriving plants a favorable place. The birds chirp around the children, butterflies flutter about among the flowers; the chirping of sparrows appeal and invite our young blooming minds to play with them thereby nurturing and fostering their aesthetic sensibilities. The natural surroundings imply that “The future of learning is no longer in textbooks and examinations. It is in the world around them. The more they explore, the more they learn. The more they experiment, the bigger edge they get.”
Besides the ‘State-of-the-art’ architecture, the school provides a plethora of facilities. In order to keep pace with the technological progress and usher in the Modern World, the school has introduced Computer Aided Learning in all aspects of teaching and learning in order to maximize the effectiveness of the process.
The school building is surrounded by flourishing plants offering a conducive environment. The school has a vast playground that offers prospects to students to play diversified sports that assist in the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being of children right from the stage of early childhood. It also provides a fleet of comfortable and luxurious buses. The safety of the students is also ensured. A large number of security guards is spread all over the campus. It is ensured that children are handed over only to authorized persons. Embarkation and disembarkation into and from the buses are done inside the School premises and not on the roadside.